Feature/#84 can conflict n zone conveyor
Merge Request
IniVersionConverter required
Purpose of Branch
Fix CAN conflict in
- MPDreiZonenConveyor(TInterfacedCANItem) 32bit: 12
- CAN2IO 16bit: 3308
- DreiZonenConveyorPressing(TInterfacedCANItem) 32bit: 14
- Conveyor 2 Zones 2 Stopper 32bit: 10012
- DreiZonenTakt 32bit: 15
Make sure that you've checked the boxes below before you submit your MR
I have read and applied the design rules -
Was the feature branch updated from the develop branch and were there no problems? -
Have new tests been created if possible? -
Are all tests running ? -
Was documentation made if necessary?
Are there additional issues that were solved in this branch? (optional)
reference all issues solved within this branch HINT: use #[issue number] for referencing
CHANGELOG/Release Notes (optional)
Thanks for your MR!
Your next steps
- start with the code review process
- check issue status!
Workflow for merge with IniVersionConverter
1. merge branch into develop -
2. cancel build on build-server -
3. copy datetime from merge-commit -
4. paste datetime from commit into the new IVC script -
5. push updated IVC script to IniVersionConverter (IVC) project -
6. wait for IniVersionConverter-Build -
7. check automatic Build of OurPlantOS *HINT: starts with push event in IVC project
Scrips in iniConverter to be removed:
MPDreiZonenConveyor(TInterfacedCANItem) 32bit: 12 -
CAN2IO 16bit: 3308 -
DreiZonenConveyorPressing(TInterfacedCANItem) 32bit: 14 -
Conveyor 2 Zones 2 Stopper 32bit: 10012 -
DreiZonenTakt 32bit: 15
Edited by Danyang Xu